- All stats, with every AA related obtained (planar power etc), gets you to 380 stat cap. (Heroic goes over, if you subtract the +# from the base value, if it’s less than 380, normal stats improve you)
- 3 STR increases offense by 1
- first 74 points of STR are not affected
- only for melee. Archery and throwing use DEX with same formula
- 1 STR increases weight limit by 1
- 1 STR increases attack by 0.9
- first 66 points of STR are not affected
- 1 STR increases attack cap by 0.9
- first 66 points of STR are not affected
- 2 STR increases blacksmithing skillup chance by 1%
- if you fail a combine, halves the chance of skillup
- if you have higher INT or WIS, they take precedence over STR and have a -15% penalty to skillup probability
- tradeskill gains are a two-roll system. Stats impact the first roll only, and the second roll is based on your tradeskill level
- 40 STR increases endurance by about 1
- formula diminishes at 100 STR
- formula diminishes again at 202 STR
- 2 STA increases maximum health by about 1
- first 255 points of STA increases health by 255 (1 STA for 1 health)
- class also impacts this formula
- 40 STA increases endurance by about 1
- formula diminishes at 100 STA
- formula diminishes again at 202 STA
- 40 AGI increases endurance by about 1
- formula diminishes at 100 AGI
- formula diminishes again at 202 AGI
- 5 AGI increases defense by 1
- first 40 points of AGI are not affected
- 20 AGI increases ac by 1
- first 70 points of AGI are not affected
- 100 AGI increases ac by 16
- this only applies once (max 16 AC bonus)
- must be rogue or beastlord and not have another class giving more AC. E.g. monk with weight check
- if rogue, cap is 12 instead of 16
- 15 AGI increases defensive proc chance by 1%
- this is a rough estimate, there’s more factors into this such as procs per minute and weapon speed that influence %
- 3 DEX increases offense by 1
- first 74 points of DEX are not affected
- only for archery and throwing. Melee use STR with same formula
- 2 DEX increases fletching skillup chance by 1% and make poison skillup chance by 1%
- if you fail a combine, halves the chance of skillup
- if you have higher INT or WIS, they take precedence over STR and have a -15% penalty to skillup probability
- tradeskill gains are a two roll system. Stats impact the first roll only, and the second roll is based on your tradeskill level
- 10 DEX increases archery crit chance by 0.1%
- first 255 points of DEX are not affected
- 10 DEX increases melee crit chance by 0.01%
- for comparison, Combat Fury maxed gives 0.028% chance increase
- first 255 points of DEX are not affected
- 10 DEX increases throwing crit chance by 0.04%
- first 255 points of DEX are not affected
- 15 DEX increases weapon proc chance by 1%
- this is a rough estimate, there’s more factors into this such as procs per minute and weapon speed that influence %
- 40 DEX increases endurance by about 1
- formula diminishes at 100 DEX
- formula diminishes again at 202 DEX
- 50 DEX increases headshot chance by 1%
- 50 DEX increases backstab assassinate chance by 1%
- 255 DEX increases throwing assassinate chance by 26%
- this is only applied once you reach 255, and never goes above 26%
- if you’re lower than 255 DEX, your chance to crit is DEX+5/10 % chance, never going above 26%
- 100 DEX increases spell proc chance by 1%
- there’s more factors to this, namely procs per minute and other limiters
- 15 WIS increases maximum mana by about 1
- first 900 points of maximum mana at lvl 50 are granted as base
- WIS 1 to 100 use a better formula than 201+ WIS
- THJ chooses WIS vs INT based on which is higher and is valid for your class combos
- 25 WIS decreases fizzle chance by 1%
- first 125 points of WIS do not affect this
- 2 WIS increases all tradeskill skillup chance by 1%
- if you fail a combine, halves the chance of skillup
- if you have higher INT or WIS, highest takes precedence and has a -15% penalty to skillup probability
- tradeskill gains are a two-roll system. Stats impact the first roll only, and the second roll is based on your tradeskill level
- 15 INT increases maximum mana by about 1
- first 900 points of maximum mana at lvl 50 are granted as base
- INT 1 to 100 use a better formula than 201+ INT
- THJ chooses WIS vs INT based on which is higher and is valid for your class combos
- 25 INT decreases fizzle chance by 1%
- first 125 points of INT do not affect this
- 2 INT increases all tradeskill skillup chance by 1%
- if you fail a combine, halves the chance of skillup
- if you have higher INT or WIS, highest takes precedence and has a -15% penalty to skillup probability
- tradeskill gains are a two-roll system. Stats impact the first roll only, and the second roll is based on your tradeskill level
- 25 CHA decreases missing a note by 1%
- only for bards
- first 110 points of CHA do not affect this
- 25 CHA increases charm duration by a factor of 1
- a charm spell has a base duration, every 25 points is multiplied against this duration up to a cap
- 3 CHA increases death save by 1%
- this is capped at 95% chance to save
- so 238 CHA should cap you at 95% chance to save
- 110 CHA impacts prices from merchants
- factions impact prices from merchants
- greater than 60 CHA has a significant impact on price
- greater than 75 CHA has a linear curve impact on price
- greater than 110 CHA has diminishing returns on price
- CHA caps prices to 105% price reduction
- 10 CHA increases memory blur chance by 1%
- your level vs level of mob factor into chance as well
- base chance from the spell also impacts this
- 10 CHA decreases resist mod on charm and mez by -1
- 255 CHA is cap with -18 resist mod
- 75 or lower CHA gives +6 resist mod for every 10 CHA below 75
- lull does not use charisma to success landing, but it impacts aggro check on a lull fail
- 100 CHA increases resist mod on fear by -20
- every 8 points of CHA removes this resist mod by 1 until it reaches 0
- undear fears ignore CHA mod