This page was last updated on 2024-12-18.

ZEM stands for Zone Experience Modifier. This is a zone-wide buff to experience that improves gains.

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Classic #

Zone ZEM Name
fearplane 2.5 The Plane of Fear
kedge 2.5 Kedge Keep

Kunark #

Zone ZEM Name
charasis 2.5 The Howling Stones
chardok 2.2 Chardok
chardokb 2.2 Chardok: The Halls of Betrayal
veeshan 2.2 Veeshan’s Peak

Velious #

Zone ZEM Name
necropolis 2.8 Dragon Necropolis
growthplane 2.5 The Plane of Growth
sirens 2.5 Siren’s Grotto
templeveeshan 2.5 The Temple of Veeshan
kael 2.2 Kael Drakkel
thurgadinb 2.2 Icewell Keep

Luclin #

Zone ZEM Name
vexthal 2.8 Vex Thal
akheva 2.5 The Akheva Ruins
acrylia 2.2 The Acrylia Caverns
thedeep 2.2 The Deep

Planes of Power #

Zone ZEM Name
powater 4.0 The Plane of Water
poair 3.0 The Plane of Air
poeartha 3.0 The Plane of Earth
poearthb 3.0 The Plane of Earth
pofire 3.0 The Plane of Fire
bothunder 2.8 Bastion of Thunder
hohonora 2.8 The Halls of Honor
hohonorb 2.8 The Temple of Marr
potactics 2.8 Drunder, the Fortress of Zek
potimeb 2.8 The Plane of Time
povalor 2.8 The Plane of Valor
solrotower 2.8 The Tower of Solusek Ro
codecay 2.5 The Crypt of Decay
nightmareb 2.5 The Lair of Terris Thule
podisease 2.5 The Plane of Disease
poinnovation 2.5 The Plane of Innovation
pojustice 2.5 The Plane of Justice
ponightmare 2.5 The Plane of Nightmares
postorms 2.5 The Plane of Storms
potimea 2.5 The Plane of Time
potorment 2.5 Torment, the Plane of Pain

Gates of Discord #

Zone ZEM Name
kodtaz 2.5 Kod’Taz, Broken Trial Grounds

Classic No ZEM #

Zone ZEM Name
airplane 2.0 The Plane of Sky
akanon 2.0 Ak’Anon
arena 2.0 The Arena
befallen 2.0 Befallen
beholder 2.0 Gorge of King Xorbb
blackburrow 2.0 Blackburrow
butcher 2.0 Butcherblock Mountains
cabeast 2.0 Cabilis East
cabwest 2.0 Cabilis West
cauldron 2.0 Dagnor’s Cauldron
cazicthule 2.0 Accursed Temple of CazicThule
commons 2.0 West Commonlands
crushbone 2.0 Crushbone
cshome 2.0 Sunset Home
eastkarana 2.0 Eastern Plains of Karana
ecommons 2.0 East Commonlands
erudnext 2.0 Erudin
erudnint 2.0 The Erudin Palace
erudsxing 2.0 Erud’s Crossing
everfrost 2.0 Everfrost Peaks
feerrott 2.0 The Feerrott
felwithea 2.0 Northern Felwithe
felwitheb 2.0 Southern Felwithe
fieldofbone 2.0 The Field of Bone
freporte 2.0 East Freeport
freportn 2.0 North Freeport
freportw 2.0 West Freeport
gfaydark 2.0 The Greater Faydark
grobb 2.0 Grobb
gukbottom 2.0 The Ruins of Old Guk
guktop 2.0 The City of Guk
halas 2.0 Halas
hateplane 2.0 Plane of Hate
hateplaneb 2.0 The Plane of Hate
highkeep 2.0 High Keep
highpass 2.0 Highpass Hold
hole 2.0 The Hole
hollowshade 2.0 Hollowshade Moor
innothule 2.0 Innothule Swamp
jaggedpine 2.0 The Jaggedpine Forest
kaladima 2.0 South Kaladim
kaladimb 2.0 North Kaladim
kerraridge 2.0 Kerra Isle
kithicor 2.0 Kithicor Forest
kurn 2.0 Kurn’s Tower
lakeofillomen 2.0 Lake of Ill Omen
lakerathe 2.0 Lake Rathetear
lavastorm 2.0 The Lavastorm Mountains
lfaydark 2.0 The Lesser Faydark
mistmoore 2.0 The Castle of Mistmoore
misty 2.0 Misty Thicket
najena 2.0 Najena
nedaria 2.0 Nedaria’s Landing
neriaka 2.0 Neriak - Foreign Quarter
neriakb 2.0 Neriak - Commons
neriakc 2.0 Neriak - 3rd Gate
northkarana 2.0 The Northern Plains of Karana
nro 2.0 Northern Desert of Ro
oasis 2.0 Oasis of Marr
oggok 2.0 Oggok
oot 2.0 Ocean of Tears
paineel 2.0 Paineel
paw 2.0 The Lair of the Splitpaw
permafrost 2.0 The Permafrost Caverns
qcat 2.0 The Qeynos Aqueduct System
qey2hh1 2.0 The Western Plains of Karana
qeynos 2.0 South Qeynos
qeynos2 2.0 North Qeynos
qeytoqrg 2.0 The Qeynos Hills
qrg 2.0 The Surefall Glade
rathemtn 2.0 The Rathe Mountains
rivervale 2.0 Rivervale
runnyeye 2.0 The Liberated Citadel of Runnyeye
shadeweaver 2.0 Shadeweaver’s Thicket
shadowrest 2.0 Shadowrest
sharvahl 2.0 The City of Shar Vahl
soldunga 2.0 Solusek’s Eye
soldungb 2.0 Nagafen’s Lair
southkarana 2.0 The Southern Plains of Karana
sro 2.0 Southern Desert of Ro
steamfont 2.0 Steamfont Mountains
swampofnohope 2.0 The Swamp of No Hope
tox 2.0 Toxxulia Forest
tutoriala 2.0 The Mines of Gloomingdeep
tutorialb 2.0 The Mines of Gloomingdeep
unrest 2.0 The Estate of Unrest
warslikswood 2.0 The Warsliks Woods

Kunark No ZEM #

Zone ZEM Name
burningwood 2.0 The Burning Wood
citymist 2.0 The City of Mist
dalnir 2.0 The Crypt of Dalnir
dreadlands 2.0 The Dreadlands
droga 2.0 The Temple of Droga
dulak 2.0 Dulak’s Harbor
emeraldjungle 2.0 The Emerald Jungle
firiona 2.0 Firiona Vie
frontiermtns 2.0 Frontier Mountains
gunthak 2.0 The Gulf of Gunthak
hatesfury 2.0 Hate’s Fury
jaggedpine 2.0 The Jaggedpine Forest
kaesora 2.0 Kaesora
karnor 2.0 Karnor’s Castle
nadox 2.0 The Crypt of Nadox
nurga 2.0 The Mines of Nurga
overthere 2.0 The Overthere
sebilis 2.0 The Ruins of Sebilis
skyfire 2.0 The Skyfire Mountains
stonebrunt 2.0 The Stonebrunt Mountains
timorous 2.0 Timorous Deep
torgiran 2.0 The Torgiran Mines
trakanon 2.0 Trakanon’s Teeth
veksar 2.0 Veksar

Velious No ZEM #

Zone ZEM Name
cobaltscar 2.0 Cobaltscar
crystal 2.0 The Crystal Caverns
eastwastes 2.0 Eastern Wastes
frozenshadow 2.0 The Tower of Frozen Shadow
greatdivide 2.0 The Great Divide
iceclad 2.0 The Iceclad Ocean
mischiefplane 2.0 The Plane of Mischief
sleeper 2.0 The Sleeper’s Tomb
thurgadina 2.0 The City of Thurgadin
wakening 2.0 The Wakening Land
westwastes 2.0 The Western Wastes

Luclin No ZEM #

Zone ZEM Name
dawnshroud 2.0 The Dawnshroud Peaks
echo 2.0 The Echo Caverns
fungusgrove 2.0 The Fungus Grove
griegsend 2.0 Grieg’s End
grimling 2.0 Grimling Forest
netherbian 2.0 Netherbian Lair
nexus 2.0 Nexus
scarlet 2.0 The Scarlet Desert
shadowhaven 2.0 Shadow Haven
sseru 2.0 Sanctus Seru
ssratemple 2.0 Ssraeshza Temple
tenebrous 2.0 The Tenebrous Mountains
thegrey 2.0 The Grey
twilight 2.0 The Twilight Sea
umbral 2.0 The Umbral Plains

Planes of Power No ZEM #

Zone ZEM Name
poknowledge 2.0 The Plane of Knowledge
potranquility 2.0 The Plane of Tranquility

Gates of Discord No ZEM #

Zone ZEM Name
barindu 2.0 Barindu, Hanging Gardens
ferubi 2.0 Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia
ikkinz 2.0 Ikkinz, Chambers of Transcendence
natimbi 2.0 Natimbi, the Broken Shores
nedaria 2.0 Nedaria’s Landing
qinimi 2.0 Qinimi, Court of Nihilia
qvic 2.0 Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling
riwwi 2.0 Riwwi, Coliseum of Games
sncrematory 2.0 Sewers of Nihilia, Emanating Cre
snlair 2.0 Sewers of Nihilia, Lair of Trapp
snplant 2.0 Sewers of Nihilia, Purifying Pla
snpool 2.0 Sewers of Nihilia, Pool of Sludg
tacvi 2.0 Tacvi, The Broken Temple
tipt 2.0 Tipt, Treacherous Crags
txevu 2.0 Txevu, Lair of the Elite
uqua 2.0 Uqua, the Ocean God Chantry
vxed 2.0 Vxed, the Crumbling Caverns
yxtta 2.0 Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles