This page was last updated on 2024-12-18.
ZEM stands for Zone Experience Modifier. This is a zone-wide buff to experience that improves gains.
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Zone |
Name |
fearplane |
2.5 |
The Plane of Fear |
kedge |
2.5 |
Kedge Keep |
Zone |
Name |
charasis |
2.5 |
The Howling Stones |
chardok |
2.2 |
Chardok |
chardokb |
2.2 |
Chardok: The Halls of Betrayal |
veeshan |
2.2 |
Veeshan’s Peak |
Zone |
Name |
necropolis |
2.8 |
Dragon Necropolis |
growthplane |
2.5 |
The Plane of Growth |
sirens |
2.5 |
Siren’s Grotto |
templeveeshan |
2.5 |
The Temple of Veeshan |
kael |
2.2 |
Kael Drakkel |
thurgadinb |
2.2 |
Icewell Keep |
Zone |
Name |
vexthal |
2.8 |
Vex Thal |
akheva |
2.5 |
The Akheva Ruins |
acrylia |
2.2 |
The Acrylia Caverns |
thedeep |
2.2 |
The Deep |
Planes of Power
Zone |
Name |
powater |
4.0 |
The Plane of Water |
poair |
3.0 |
The Plane of Air |
poeartha |
3.0 |
The Plane of Earth |
poearthb |
3.0 |
The Plane of Earth |
pofire |
3.0 |
The Plane of Fire |
bothunder |
2.8 |
Bastion of Thunder |
hohonora |
2.8 |
The Halls of Honor |
hohonorb |
2.8 |
The Temple of Marr |
potactics |
2.8 |
Drunder, the Fortress of Zek |
potimeb |
2.8 |
The Plane of Time |
povalor |
2.8 |
The Plane of Valor |
solrotower |
2.8 |
The Tower of Solusek Ro |
codecay |
2.5 |
The Crypt of Decay |
nightmareb |
2.5 |
The Lair of Terris Thule |
podisease |
2.5 |
The Plane of Disease |
poinnovation |
2.5 |
The Plane of Innovation |
pojustice |
2.5 |
The Plane of Justice |
ponightmare |
2.5 |
The Plane of Nightmares |
postorms |
2.5 |
The Plane of Storms |
potimea |
2.5 |
The Plane of Time |
potorment |
2.5 |
Torment, the Plane of Pain |
Gates of Discord
Zone |
Name |
kodtaz |
2.5 |
Kod’Taz, Broken Trial Grounds |
Classic No ZEM
Zone |
Name |
airplane |
2.0 |
The Plane of Sky |
akanon |
2.0 |
Ak’Anon |
arena |
2.0 |
The Arena |
befallen |
2.0 |
Befallen |
beholder |
2.0 |
Gorge of King Xorbb |
blackburrow |
2.0 |
Blackburrow |
butcher |
2.0 |
Butcherblock Mountains |
cabeast |
2.0 |
Cabilis East |
cabwest |
2.0 |
Cabilis West |
cauldron |
2.0 |
Dagnor’s Cauldron |
cazicthule |
2.0 |
Accursed Temple of CazicThule |
commons |
2.0 |
West Commonlands |
crushbone |
2.0 |
Crushbone |
cshome |
2.0 |
Sunset Home |
eastkarana |
2.0 |
Eastern Plains of Karana |
ecommons |
2.0 |
East Commonlands |
erudnext |
2.0 |
Erudin |
erudnint |
2.0 |
The Erudin Palace |
erudsxing |
2.0 |
Erud’s Crossing |
everfrost |
2.0 |
Everfrost Peaks |
feerrott |
2.0 |
The Feerrott |
felwithea |
2.0 |
Northern Felwithe |
felwitheb |
2.0 |
Southern Felwithe |
fieldofbone |
2.0 |
The Field of Bone |
freporte |
2.0 |
East Freeport |
freportn |
2.0 |
North Freeport |
freportw |
2.0 |
West Freeport |
gfaydark |
2.0 |
The Greater Faydark |
grobb |
2.0 |
Grobb |
gukbottom |
2.0 |
The Ruins of Old Guk |
guktop |
2.0 |
The City of Guk |
halas |
2.0 |
Halas |
hateplane |
2.0 |
Plane of Hate |
hateplaneb |
2.0 |
The Plane of Hate |
highkeep |
2.0 |
High Keep |
highpass |
2.0 |
Highpass Hold |
hole |
2.0 |
The Hole |
hollowshade |
2.0 |
Hollowshade Moor |
innothule |
2.0 |
Innothule Swamp |
jaggedpine |
2.0 |
The Jaggedpine Forest |
kaladima |
2.0 |
South Kaladim |
kaladimb |
2.0 |
North Kaladim |
kerraridge |
2.0 |
Kerra Isle |
kithicor |
2.0 |
Kithicor Forest |
kurn |
2.0 |
Kurn’s Tower |
lakeofillomen |
2.0 |
Lake of Ill Omen |
lakerathe |
2.0 |
Lake Rathetear |
lavastorm |
2.0 |
The Lavastorm Mountains |
lfaydark |
2.0 |
The Lesser Faydark |
mistmoore |
2.0 |
The Castle of Mistmoore |
misty |
2.0 |
Misty Thicket |
najena |
2.0 |
Najena |
nedaria |
2.0 |
Nedaria’s Landing |
neriaka |
2.0 |
Neriak - Foreign Quarter |
neriakb |
2.0 |
Neriak - Commons |
neriakc |
2.0 |
Neriak - 3rd Gate |
northkarana |
2.0 |
The Northern Plains of Karana |
nro |
2.0 |
Northern Desert of Ro |
oasis |
2.0 |
Oasis of Marr |
oggok |
2.0 |
Oggok |
oot |
2.0 |
Ocean of Tears |
paineel |
2.0 |
Paineel |
paw |
2.0 |
The Lair of the Splitpaw |
permafrost |
2.0 |
The Permafrost Caverns |
qcat |
2.0 |
The Qeynos Aqueduct System |
qey2hh1 |
2.0 |
The Western Plains of Karana |
qeynos |
2.0 |
South Qeynos |
qeynos2 |
2.0 |
North Qeynos |
qeytoqrg |
2.0 |
The Qeynos Hills |
qrg |
2.0 |
The Surefall Glade |
rathemtn |
2.0 |
The Rathe Mountains |
rivervale |
2.0 |
Rivervale |
runnyeye |
2.0 |
The Liberated Citadel of Runnyeye |
shadeweaver |
2.0 |
Shadeweaver’s Thicket |
shadowrest |
2.0 |
Shadowrest |
sharvahl |
2.0 |
The City of Shar Vahl |
soldunga |
2.0 |
Solusek’s Eye |
soldungb |
2.0 |
Nagafen’s Lair |
southkarana |
2.0 |
The Southern Plains of Karana |
sro |
2.0 |
Southern Desert of Ro |
steamfont |
2.0 |
Steamfont Mountains |
swampofnohope |
2.0 |
The Swamp of No Hope |
tox |
2.0 |
Toxxulia Forest |
tutoriala |
2.0 |
The Mines of Gloomingdeep |
tutorialb |
2.0 |
The Mines of Gloomingdeep |
unrest |
2.0 |
The Estate of Unrest |
warslikswood |
2.0 |
The Warsliks Woods |
Kunark No ZEM
Zone |
Name |
burningwood |
2.0 |
The Burning Wood |
citymist |
2.0 |
The City of Mist |
dalnir |
2.0 |
The Crypt of Dalnir |
dreadlands |
2.0 |
The Dreadlands |
droga |
2.0 |
The Temple of Droga |
dulak |
2.0 |
Dulak’s Harbor |
emeraldjungle |
2.0 |
The Emerald Jungle |
firiona |
2.0 |
Firiona Vie |
frontiermtns |
2.0 |
Frontier Mountains |
gunthak |
2.0 |
The Gulf of Gunthak |
hatesfury |
2.0 |
Hate’s Fury |
jaggedpine |
2.0 |
The Jaggedpine Forest |
kaesora |
2.0 |
Kaesora |
karnor |
2.0 |
Karnor’s Castle |
nadox |
2.0 |
The Crypt of Nadox |
nurga |
2.0 |
The Mines of Nurga |
overthere |
2.0 |
The Overthere |
sebilis |
2.0 |
The Ruins of Sebilis |
skyfire |
2.0 |
The Skyfire Mountains |
stonebrunt |
2.0 |
The Stonebrunt Mountains |
timorous |
2.0 |
Timorous Deep |
torgiran |
2.0 |
The Torgiran Mines |
trakanon |
2.0 |
Trakanon’s Teeth |
veksar |
2.0 |
Veksar |
Velious No ZEM
Zone |
Name |
cobaltscar |
2.0 |
Cobaltscar |
crystal |
2.0 |
The Crystal Caverns |
eastwastes |
2.0 |
Eastern Wastes |
frozenshadow |
2.0 |
The Tower of Frozen Shadow |
greatdivide |
2.0 |
The Great Divide |
iceclad |
2.0 |
The Iceclad Ocean |
mischiefplane |
2.0 |
The Plane of Mischief |
sleeper |
2.0 |
The Sleeper’s Tomb |
thurgadina |
2.0 |
The City of Thurgadin |
wakening |
2.0 |
The Wakening Land |
westwastes |
2.0 |
The Western Wastes |
Luclin No ZEM
Zone |
Name |
dawnshroud |
2.0 |
The Dawnshroud Peaks |
echo |
2.0 |
The Echo Caverns |
fungusgrove |
2.0 |
The Fungus Grove |
griegsend |
2.0 |
Grieg’s End |
grimling |
2.0 |
Grimling Forest |
netherbian |
2.0 |
Netherbian Lair |
nexus |
2.0 |
Nexus |
scarlet |
2.0 |
The Scarlet Desert |
shadowhaven |
2.0 |
Shadow Haven |
sseru |
2.0 |
Sanctus Seru |
ssratemple |
2.0 |
Ssraeshza Temple |
tenebrous |
2.0 |
The Tenebrous Mountains |
thegrey |
2.0 |
The Grey |
twilight |
2.0 |
The Twilight Sea |
umbral |
2.0 |
The Umbral Plains |
Planes of Power No ZEM
Zone |
Name |
poknowledge |
2.0 |
The Plane of Knowledge |
potranquility |
2.0 |
The Plane of Tranquility |
Gates of Discord No ZEM
Zone |
Name |
barindu |
2.0 |
Barindu, Hanging Gardens |
ferubi |
2.0 |
Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia |
ikkinz |
2.0 |
Ikkinz, Chambers of Transcendence |
natimbi |
2.0 |
Natimbi, the Broken Shores |
nedaria |
2.0 |
Nedaria’s Landing |
qinimi |
2.0 |
Qinimi, Court of Nihilia |
qvic |
2.0 |
Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling |
riwwi |
2.0 |
Riwwi, Coliseum of Games |
sncrematory |
2.0 |
Sewers of Nihilia, Emanating Cre |
snlair |
2.0 |
Sewers of Nihilia, Lair of Trapp |
snplant |
2.0 |
Sewers of Nihilia, Purifying Pla |
snpool |
2.0 |
Sewers of Nihilia, Pool of Sludg |
tacvi |
2.0 |
Tacvi, The Broken Temple |
tipt |
2.0 |
Tipt, Treacherous Crags |
txevu |
2.0 |
Txevu, Lair of the Elite |
uqua |
2.0 |
Uqua, the Ocean God Chantry |
vxed |
2.0 |
Vxed, the Crumbling Caverns |
yxtta |
2.0 |
Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles |