Installation Guide
To start The Heroes Journey (THJ):
You will first need an EQ Emulator account
- Once that is complete, create a login server account Note: If you do not leave ‘receive emails from administrators’ checked, you will never receive the activation email for the forum account. Additionally, there have been some reports of Gmail accounts never receiving the activation email.
Next, obtain the RoF2 Client. We cannot offer a direct download to the client. There are several places to obtain it, the most straightforward being to use downloadeqrof to download it from Steam depots. Note: It is not recommended to install RoF2 to any directory within C:/Program Files/
- If you want to download RoF2 from steam manually, join our Disord and check out this post: Check out this post -> How to download RoF2 directly from Steam
- About DownloadEQRoF: This program is not created by us, but we are friendly with the developer. This program downloads directly from Steam and will require your Steam credentials. Your Steam username or password is not stored or transmitted to anyone except Steam. If you are uncomfortable with this, there are other ways to acquire RoF2, but we cannot direct you to them - this is the only method of acquiring the client legally, as far as we know.
- If you get an error about ’the file is being used by another process’, close the program and try again.
- If the program hangs up and appears to do nothing after clicking Download, your Steam credentials may have been rejected - close the program and try again.
Finally, download our patcher.
- Download heroesjourneyeq.exe
- Right-click the download, go to properties, and check Unblock. Then click OK.
- You may get an error from your AV about this file; there is no virus, but files that download other files look a lot like viruses to an AV
- Move heroesjourneyeq.exe to where ever you unpacked the RoF2 client, and run it.
- Choose Patch, and allow all files to download.
- Click Play to start.
Play! - Remember that The Heroes’ Journey begins with the letter T in the server list.
- If you need an exemption to the 1 player per IP limit, please contact Aporia or Alorian in Discord.
- There are other tips, tricks, guides, and troubleshooting available on Discord in our Getting Started channel - please check it out!